Now as for this guy he is not a rapper but a G-Funk Beat Boxer and goes by the name of "Red". There is not much info on this interesting character but so far all we know is his name and that he resides in the streets of LA. It appears to me that he is a crack head from the sound of his crack infested uvula and voice box but hey.... it wouldn't sound as cool without the harsh and deep raspy effect he conveys on his melodic funk driven creativity. The first video is a world premiere of his talents in a local LA parking lot. The second video is Red shortly after the parking lot fiasco looking a little cleaned up talking about him recording his first single. I have recently got news he got locked up which is the reasoning behind the single being pushed back. Check this interesting sound out and be sure to support FREE RED!!!!
डोंट गो गेट ओने बेकाउसे इ शोवेद यू.
13 years ago
LMAO best post so far shit is comedy n sad @ the same time LOL